Checked in and waits to board the RyanAir flight to Dublin. After an hour on the flight, we finally reached the Dublin airport. Took a bus from there straight into the city center. Our hostel this time is the Jacob's Inn, Talbot Place.

We took the liberty of the long daylight hours to stroll along the Customs House Quay, where we were able to see the bridge with Guinness pillars. Then later on we walked to the famous Dublin street which is the O'Connell Street. Plenty of shops, food outlet & pedestrian along the street. It's only 8pm and outside is still very much sunny. We had dinner in one of the local's fast food chain (very similiar to McD's & Burger King). Later, we met with Ivy's friend, Vienna whose studying abroad in Dublin.

She treat us to desserts and later we were walking down the most famous colored-culture street, the Temple Bar. Hard Rock Cafe Dublin, and few others famous local bar is situated here. Street performance was very entertaining. Surprisingly, I am able to understand their Irish english ascent (I just like their ascent very mucho!) The sun sets at about 9.30pm and we are back in our crash pad. Tomorrow will be another long day in Dublin.

In the early cool breeze of summer in Dubin, we headed towards the Guinness Storehouse. Took a bus from the O'Connell Street straight to the location. Pressed the bell to early, and we had to walk to the storehouse. Can't remember how much it cost to enter the storehouse (we bought the Dublin Pass), but it comes with a free complimentary drink at it skybar (coke is included as well, not only pure guinness). Just by combining the four ingredients : water, barley, hops & yeast they can come out with a Guinness (similar to Malta with 0% alchohol).

After walking around the storehouse for about an hour, we went up to the skybar. We redeemed our complimentary drink and the view was breathtaking from up here. The entire Dublin can be seen from here. We are abit behind schedule, so the next stop is the Kilmainham Gaol Museum. Based on the tourist map, the location is not far from Guinness, so we decided to walk instead of taking the bus. We were absolutely wrong! The map was not drawn to scale and halfway there, it pours heavily. Then we start walking again, stopped by the gas station and asking for directions. Finally we gave up and get shelter at the next bus stops. Stop the next coming bus, and the driver told us that the museum is located within 5minutes walk. It was funny...

So, here we are at the Kilmainham Gaol Museum. All visitors are only allowed to access by an hour guided tour. It is among the most filmed prison in the world, with 9 film to date (from wikipedia). I've never been to any prison before, and this was truly a new experience. We were brought back to the past, walking along a spooky alley where prisoners here were given only a blanket to sleep with. My mind start wondering how these prisoners keep their body warm during winter. Few more other stops : the Dublin Castle, Christ Church and one of the parks in Dublin.

We ate shushi buffet (90minutes buffet) for dinner, thanx to Vienna for treating us. Those sushi were not cheap to be honest.

The next day we went to Croke Park, the GAA museum. Its a Irish sports thingy and they are very much proud of it. Toured the huge stadium, and learned about the history about the sports.

Went to the Guinness storehouse, Kilmainham Gaol, Dublin castle, Croke Park. Enjoyed Temple Bar very much and ofcourse we tried out thier traditional meals. Picked on of the most famous local bar and ordered their homemade lunch. We also had the best chocolate drink here in Dublin, the Butler's Chocolate. The franchise is only in Ireland, and ONE in westField, London. Personally, the hot chocolate marshmallow was simply delicious and awesome!
Just another pending story from me...
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